Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ping Pong

Lately my brothers, sisters and I have been playing ping pong on our kitchen table.

We don't have a ping pong table so I had to improvise. I sawed two 5X3 inch pieces of wood and we are using them as ping pong paddles. We have a ping pong ball so there is one thing that is real about it.

As I have already mentioned, instead of using a ping pong table, we have to use our kitchen table. And since we also don't have a ping pong net, we have to use Dr. Seuss books.

It's really hard to keep the ball on the table since our table isn't as big as a normal ping pong table. This is just one example of us improvising to play something that we like. We play ping pong on the Wii and it is my favorite game, I'm not sure about the others, but I like it a lot and so it was my idea to make a makeshift ping pong paddles and play ping pong. It's fun to a degree but not as fun as it could be if we had real ping pong equipment.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Patience is a Virtue


Whenever you are the oldest of six and you have a four year old brother and a two year old sister, patience is something that is hard to come by. Patience is the most important thing to have whenever you are the oldest in a family no matter what size. I struggle with patience and I often lose my temper. That never turns out good and I usually just make a fool of myself. I have found out that a four year old boy has a lot of energy and breath in him. My four year old brother, Henry, is a very energetic and talkative boy. He is fun to play with, enjoyable in every way. But he is always wanting to play with me, even whenever I don't have time. He also will take things out of my room which never makes me happy. He can also be grumpy sometimes. Whenever he is grumpy and he is whining at me, I usually lose my temper with him and get him mad at me and I'm mad at him and my Mom or Dad is mad at both of us for fighting.

The way I have to learn to remedy this patience loss is to realize that he is only four and doesn't understand everything that I do. I have to learn to deal with what he does and what he doesn't do. God has blessed me with a great four year old little brother and he is a wonderful playmate, but whenever I fight and argue with him, I am abusing what God has given me. Henry has the amazing ability to communicate to the point that whenever he was two, he defined "to be patient" as "to wait." No two year old knows that that means and can put it as simply as he did. He is an amazing brother and he is the best of friends. Building a friendship with your younger siblings requires patience, understanding, and a loving, gentle, caring heart toward them.